Sacramento County Idle-Free Schools campaign, 2017-2018


Elk Grove Unified School District

Leaders/teachers: Katena Sanford and Korena Hendryx, 8th grade science


This campaign was not funded but made possible at no cost to the school

thanks to Idle-Free California.


Step 1: introductory session conducted Nov. 9th (two classes)


Step 2: initial data collection conducted for three days at school afternoon dismissal on 11/13, 11/14, 11/15

Average temperature: 64 degrees

Total vehicles observed: 126; total vehicles idling: 65 (51%); total minutes of idling: 975 = 16.25 hours

Amount of fuel consumed*: 11.29 gal/three days / 3.76 gal/per day average

Amount of fuel consumed annually (est.) - based on 175 day school year: 658 gal

Amount of CO2 emissions annually (est.) - based on 175 day school year: 13,160 lbs**


Step 3: school supports idle-free campaign: school website announcement, and school installs two provided no idle zone signs


Step 4: driver contact event conducted 2/20 & 2/21 - publishing of photos of event not allowed


Step 5: final data collection conducted for three days at school afternoon dismissal on 4/30, 5/1, 5/2

Average temperature: 71 degrees

Total vehicles observed: 79; total vehicles idling: __ ; total minutes of idling: ___ = __ hours

Amount of fuel consumed*: ____ gal/three days / ____ gal/per day average

Amount of fuel consumed annually (est.) - based on 175 day school year: ___ gal

Amount of CO2 emissions annually (est.) - based on 175 day school year: ______ lbs**


DATA INCOMPLETE. Explanation from school: Students not given permission to be dismissed early to observe

vehicles waiting prior to dismissal. Students could only observe vehicles from the time of dismissal when vehicles in

line slowly move forward to school entrance.

To address this issue, participating schools in future campaigns must agree to allow students to conduct observations at least 15 minutes prior to dismissal.


*Amount of fuel consumed based on passenger vehicle — car/SUV/pickup truck — idling consumption of 0.43 gal/hr.

**Amount of CO2 emitted based on one gallon of fuel consumed equaling 20 pounds of CO2 emitted (gasoline - 19.64 pounds; diesel - 22.38 pounds)



Katherine L. Albiani Middle School campaign website announcement


No idle zone sign